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Brick by Brick

Lefko started in September 2019, on a simple dream. We dream of creating a community that has fun, learns and laughs together, and cares for one another deeply. 

Hi, we are Chadrick and Elaine, the founders of Lefko. We are avid board gamers, dating over board games eons ago. Yes we are that old. We now have 4 kids, one of which is a Covid Baby. Since the age of 3, our elder 3 have been initiated into the world of board games as we surreptitiously groom them into our future board game kakis. We imagine that when we are old and toothless, board games will be our companions.


We are also a homeschooling family. We thrive on some unschooling, some tigermum-schooling, some manic-schooling, some world-schooling, lotsa life-schooling and of course, game-schooling!
Board games have always been our go-to as we seek to bond with our children, indirectly teaching them through games. They have had no choice but to learn to wait, take turns, be patient, lose gallantly, win graciously, exercise logic, plan strategies, count scores secretly, read instruction manuals reluctantly and beat their parents. They have had to learn to consider others. It's hilarious how we are a competitive mix and the journey of learning has only just begun. Through all this, we hope our children learn to love people. 


In April 2019, during a casual lunch with friends, the idea of a board games cafe in Iskandar Puteri was mooted and swiftly came into being. 


Lefko is Greek for 'WHITE', representing the good clean fun we hope to introduce to the community, bringing together closer bonds in family, colleagues, classmates and friends. We dream of strong bonds in families, strong connections amongst friends, strong ties within the community. We dream that with a strong sense of belonging, forged through laughter and memories, it will combat loneliness and fragmented families. We dream that as a society, we will be able to weather anything that comes our way because we are strong and united. Therefore, we dream of seeing tables filled with laughter and no phones as people have fun, exercise their brains and sometimes braun, and most importantly connect and bond. 


We believe the power of community is not limited by boundaries and so we also retail and distribute games. We curate great bonding games for Malaysia, Singapore and South East Asia. Along with the inculcating of a love for board games, we hope that the playing of the games will inculcate a love for community, society and humanity. We desire to help would-be retailers, existing retailers expand their repertoire of games and organisations to expand their repertoire of tools for building their own dreams.


Join us in the pursuit of curating a better quality of life for and in service to our communities. It is always the intangible that counts.

Building on the dream, brick by brick.
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